Daisy : Reading My Escape

Just can't stop reading... tat's me! Reading keeping double stoked and breathing alongside with my hectic RL research. My escape..... I so wish I had more time to read books :) And I am such a sucker for rock star,bad boys, tattooed boys and not to forget military men *sighs* "You know you've read a good book when you turn to the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a mate"



Dazzled - Jane Harvey-Berrick

Well, I was super excited when Lisa provided me with Dazzled ARC! I was jumping with happiness.

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Jane Harvey-Berrick became my favourite author when I fell in love with Daniel Colton until today <3 <br/>
Let's move from Daniel Colton to Miles Stephens! Miles is a young British actor who moves to LA for audition and lands himself a movie. The moment I picked Dazzled first, Miles reminded me of how Robert Pattinson landed that Twilight audition. LOL Perhaps it's just me!

My Miles:

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On the other hand, Miles best mate, Clare has been in love with him for ages. Yet she doesn't speak her feelings out loud and is always there for him. My Clare:

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There was ups and downs in Miles's journey of becoming movie stars. He starts dating, attending premieres etc. One fine day, Clare and Miles come together and heat is on!

The only I couldn't love this book was I couldn't really get their connection of Miles and Clare. The vibe was more of best friends. And when Miles gets his head up, their relationship seem rushed.

Overall, it was nice sweet read! <3 <br/>
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**ARC provided by Lisa J. Ashmore **
Blue By You - Rachel Gibson
Blue by You is the sweet contemporary love story. You have a hot Marine, Kasper in it. What can go wrong?
Rachel Gibson is one of my favorite authors and I saw this one I was so excited!

Kasper and Blue had one night stand during their teenage years and now after 22 years, they meet again!

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Only thing, I felt their journey together was rushed and wished their family history was shorted in order to give Kasper and Blue a nice slow paced relationship!

"I know you said you're a grown woman, but do you know where grinding against a man leads? "

Overall, it's a nice short read!

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**ARC provided by publisher**
Run To You - Rachel Gibson

Run To You is beautiful hot and sexy love story with Beau, ex-Marine and Stella, a smart-sassy woman!

Beau is the man on mission to re-unite Stella to reunite her with her long lost sister, Sadie (from Rescue Me). Travelling from Miami to Lovett, their journey and adventures begins.

Get ready for one hot, spicy and steamy ride. I adore Rachel Gibson! But I do wish this book was longer <3<br/>
My Beau:

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My Stella:

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"Can we do that some more?"
"Are you sure you're up to it?"
"Oh yeah"
"Then we're going to do that all night long"

"If you wanted sleep, you shouldn't have woken the beast"

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A perfect evening read filled with all the fun you need!

**ARC provided by publisher**
Infraction - K.I. Lynn

This book picks up beautifully from Breach. Nathan and Lila battling with their own ghosts and finding themselves together. Their journey was heartbreaking, painful and how happy I was when dirty mouth Nathan showed up!

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"If you are not ready to move on with Lila, there are plenty of men at would be honoured to have her, and it's not fair for you to deprive her of the opportunity to have a full and happy life"

"Not going to f**king happen"


Lila and Nathan's edge of darkness bring them closer and stronger together to face whatever is left! This book is so brilliant and that I have lost for words. One thing for sure, Nathan's touch is still ooo yeah!!!!!

"Touching yourself in the shower, my horny, dirty girl? Making me so hard I can't think straight!"

"F**k baby, do you really think I wouldn't want to f**k my little whore?"

"Don't tempt me, baby. I will f**k you on this beach if that's what it takes?

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And enjoy Nathan! <3<br/>
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Baby Come Back Lite (Baby Series Lite, #3.5) - Andrea  Smith
What can I further say...... I have no further words

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What a brilliant wrap. This short amazing novella was written from the point of view of Tristan and Gina. The more I read the more I am in love Gina and Tristan! Everything you need to know why Gina was the way she was is answered here! My darling Gina!

The emotion throughout this series was simply perfect!!!!!!!

Trey, Tylar, Tristan and Gina will bring the best of adventures. One of my favourite series!!!!


A British salute for Andrea!!!! You are brilliant, wicked and amazing!
You just keep me going!!! Bring on NIGHT MOVES

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Dissolution (Breach, #1.5) - K.I. Lynn
OMG!!!!!! Even though it is short, Nathan's POV is so emotional!!!!

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"She deserved more, so much than more than me; an angry depressed, broken man. I couldn't give her what she needed - love. So, I did what I had asked her to do. I left."

"Get your fucking off me. That's my girlfriend, Lila!"

Those words still makes an impact for me! <3<br/>
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Ruin - Rachel Van Dyken
" Why give me only two choices? Don't leave out your legs, your laugh, the way you bite your lip when you're thinking,the feel of your breath on my face, the sound of your voice in the morning, the way you taste, the three freckles on your nose, the tan of your eyelashes, the caring spirit, the determined soul - so why stop at your hair and your heart? How do expect me to choose? When what I love the most about you - is you"

When I started the prologue, I was

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Then, when Wes entered,

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And then, I was

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Following that,

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This is one emotional book! It was well-written! Wes was such a darling! I personally wish I can hug him!

As much I loved this book, there were so many questions that I wished the author answered!

1. Where does that prologue link?
2. When Wes did actually discover his cancer?
3. Well, Wes's mum passed on but how did Nurse Angela and his mum linked?
4. Did K managed to banish her night terrors?
5. What was bimbo's intention by framing Wes with that accusation? How the hell he meet her?

My Wes

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And my K

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Now, I am hoping there is a 2nd book!

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Be My Baby Lite (Baby Series Lite, #3) - Andrea  Smith

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I freaking this book.....Every emotions was out! Blimey, it was indeed an emotional roller coaster! I broke my heart and at the same I am smiling with love at the end of it! THIS BOOK IS WICKED! Such a brilliant way to end the series.

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Tylar and Trey's journey continues with a challenge ahead for them. Only their love made me stronger to face all these! Not only that, Trey oooo my, that man doesn't stop to fail me! There were so many favourite scenes especially the phone scene with bimbo Amber *giggles* and Preston's "Horsey, Dadda" Well, what I can say you have read it! My lips are sealed!!!

"Not tonight Tylar. She needs to be in her room. I was hoping that you and I could make up for some lost time. I'm in the mood" *devilish grin*

"Have I told you how absolutely scrumptious you look, Mrs. Sinclair?"

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Am so so looking forward for "NIGHT MOVES" for our yummy British boy Easton!

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**ARC provided by author*
Freeing Asia (Breaking Free, #1) - E.M. Abel
Freeing Asia is a lovely book. A story about Asia Fuller and two delicious tattooed boys, Jay Clark and Marcus Avery. Not to forget her awesome brother, Shaun! I still want for more for them! Can't wait to see you catches Shaun and Jay :)

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There were plenty of sweet, hot intense and funny moments in this book.

Asia is a surfer, skater and bad ass, just as much as her brother is. Growing up with boys does that! She is such a loving character. My Asia:

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Jay is super sweet and ohhh so "talented". You can't help but fall for the guy. He was makes me melting. My Jay:

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BUT when Marcus enters! Everything single thoughts that I had for Jay flew out of the window! Marcus is a pro skater and he broke her heart in high school tattooed bad boy. You will adore him so so much. I just wish there more of Marcus side's of story! I really want to feel him!

P/S: Am sucker of tattooed boys! LOL I might be bias at times <3 <br/>
My Marcus:

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This book is steamy, sweet, hot and intense!!!

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It is very well written and descriptive *giggles* It grabs you from the start and wont let you go till the end.

"You should probably stop looking at me like that Asia. It only turns me on"

"Are you sure this isn't just a ploy to get into my pants?"

"Oh, we're not done yet, babe. I wanna feel you come on over and over and over again"

"I love you, Asia Fuller. Move in with me"

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Go and grab it to find out what these four have in-store of you! It will definitely a nice ride!
Baby Love Lite (Baby Series Lite, #2) - Andrea  Smith

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This story is

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The story picks from Book 1 Maybe Baby Lite and it was freaking fabulous. I am so in love with Ms. Smith's writing! Tylar and Trey along with cute baby Preston def went thru a roller coaster! A huge on with ups and downs. Preston is the cutest baby ever!!!! Loved her!

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We see more of Tristan and Gina here! I so loved Gina's bubbly character in Maybe Baby Lite, she kinda annoyed here with choosing to hide the crucial news to Tristan and letting her problems getting between Tylar and Trey

N TQ TQ TQ TQ Andrea for so answering all my questions! I finally felt sorry for Maggie but she could have done better for Tylar thou.

After reading this one now, two more new question arises.... abt Tristan and Matthew! My mind keeps working like CSI! That's how brilliant this series!

N forgetting alpha-male Trey only getting bloody hotter here!!! Him and court, GAH!!!

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"I believe you were complaining about blue balls?"

"I want to make love to you, baby?"
"What if I want to f**k?"
"I'm fairly certain that we can accommodate both, Mrs. Sinclair"

"Baby, why the 'f**kathon every night?"
"Are you complaining, Trey?"
"I'm not complaining. I'm just curious"
"Can't I be horny for my husband without him being suspicious of my motives?"

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Hope you enjoy this book, just as much as I did!

**ARC provided by author**
Take Me - Diane Alberts

This is my first read from this author and I'll definitely been keeping an eye out for more in the future.

Take Me is a short and sweet novella starring hot history teacher Mike with beautiful dancer Morgan. They both have fear for marriage. They meet by chance and there was an instant connection between them. As they try push each other away, their connection denies them........ and the rest becomes history.

My Mike

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My Morgan

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"Jesus Christ, woman. Your place or mine? Mine's a ten minute taxi ride away"
"Mine's five"

"Then I'm f**cking my wife in my honeymoon suite in my bed until she can't remember why she refused to admit she wanted me in the first place"

"Honey? What we just did right there wasn't just any f**king. That was consummation"

"The hell you don't. You're my f**king wife in every way that counts"

Take Me is a quick satisfying read that left me with a smile on my face. This is perfect for when you need a dash of romance. :) Plus, Mike makes everything hot <3<br/>
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**ARC provided by publisher**
Knight (Unfinished Hero, #1) - Kristen Ashley photo d8c.gif

"You... do not... leave your house...dressed like that...without being on the arm of a man like me"

"Then get your ass out of my bed, back in my tee, no panties and make me breakfast"

"Baby wants her Daddy"

"I love you, Anya, you're the only woman who's had that from me and you're the only who ever will"


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Wow, what a story, what a ride. I absolutely loved this book with a passion.

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Having a delicious alpha-male man protecting, controlling, leaving you breathless, and totally enthralled in all that is HIM!! What more could I want?
He is such a dominant :) While, Anya is opposite of him. She has her own ghosts just like Knight! There love is intense, passionate and off the charts HOT!

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Unscrupulous (The Manhattanites, #2) - Avery Aster
"They haven't changed much since this morning. Do they still turn you on?"
" Very much so. I'm in awe each time I see you. It's a new experience every time. You're everything I've ever wanted. You're all I need"

This book is simply HOLY HOTNESS BATMAN!

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"So, you're saying - you want to see my pen** again?"

OOOOO YES, Please Big Daddy!!

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The story begins with our beautiful successful lady, Taddy Brill who she runs her own PR company and enjoy her days with her best mates. Her parents shut her out and shipped her to a boarding school during her childhood. My Taddy:

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And her life crosses path with our yummy delicious hot magical Warner "Big-Daddy" Truman, a billionaire who owns resorts. He has his own past. N my Warner:

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These two meet in St. Barths, the connection and attraction is instant! But they get separated! Fast forward to Cannes, where Kiki, Taddy's assistant is in trouble. N BAM they meet again.

Everything turns into juicy and spicy. These two are so hot, the sex scenes are amazing.

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Unscrupulous was perfectly written book with all the mixed in from hot sex to mystery!
My only wish was there was more of Taddy and Warner as a couple that shows their relationship more <3<br/>A book to sit back and enjoy!

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**ARC provided by publisher**
Maybe Baby Lite (Baby Series Lite, #1) - Andrea  Smith
This book was total hotness with plenty of agnst, mystery, LOVE....... this book had it all. My heart is still all twisty pondering about questions that I have in my mind! But in the end, I am feeling

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Tylar Preston, our gorgeous equine student who takes a summer job at the Sinclair Stables where she meet our hot sexy young lawyer alpha male, rich, successful,controlling and possessive Trey.

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There was an immediate attraction but ....... you have it to read this book!!!!!!! It was so perfect from the beginning to the end! I was so glued and would have probably dream of Trey so many things!

Let's meet them:

My Tylar

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My Trey

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"I rather like it when you take charge."
"You do?"
"Of course; just as long as you only do it when I let you"

"Tylar, I want to make love to you more than anything that I've ever wanted. You understand that, right?"
"Finally, and this part's a deal breaker. Once we do this, you're mine, do you understand?"

"Trey, how hot is the video?'
"Oh yeah, baby, it's hot!"
"Let's watch it together some time"

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Trey and Tylar are wonderful and their chemistry is hot, hot, hot (with sizzling sex scenes). Ms. Smith's definitely had me engaged and am already looking forward to see their wedding and little Preston growing!

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On thing for sure, her mother was really digusting and I would so love to see her giving her piece of mind off! Plus knowing her mysterious dad! :)

*This ARC was provided by the author for a honest review*
Desire - Marina Anderson A short erotica with to be continue adventure.

David and Grace have been going out for 6 months and David decided that it time to take their relationship into next step, that is to go with his taste of sex.

Since the story continues in 8 parts, this one becomes blurry and I really didn't connect with the characters.

On top of that, after that adventure, David leaves Grace hanging! Blimey!

**ARC provided by publisher**
Undressed - Avery Aster

Avery Aster ticks all the boxes for brilliant sexy, naughty, panty-melting read!
*whispers* *Don't read it in a tube,like I did*

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Our girl, Lex daughter of a rock n 'roll star father and a mum who was a playboy bunny and singer. What a combination. And when her parents enjoying the light of media, Lex dislikes it. Her father's death and with her mother's addiction's issues going on, she opens her own fashion label, Easton Essentials for high street fashion. My Lex:

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N our delicious playboy Prince Massimo Tittoni, who on the other hand, loves media attention and is head of Girasoli Garment Company. One word about him, he such a woman's man and he's Italian, baby! My Massimo:

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Lex orders her fabric Easton from his company and after not receiving her next shipment, she gets in touch with his company and is been told that the shipment is cancelled. Hence, Lex gets in mission to confront him and heads for Italy! Oh yeah .......... What happens after .......... is not what they both expect.

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Lex and Massimo have such a wonderful chemistry and it's a great book with a mixture of fashion and romance. I enjoyed this book!

Undressed is a perfect weekend read. You will have sizzling hot romance and with a well-written story!

**ARC provided by author/publisher**

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